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My motivation On Kamis, 28 Maret 2013

muslimat scientist of chemistry

 chemistry is my way to be a scientist

chemistry is my lovely life

Alhamdulillaah..the first step on my dream was succeed. PKL in company (PT.TAKINDO UTAMA) was received..there's not waste for waiting their answer, approximately three weeks. I must prove that niqabiiy is not dangerous and I'm not a terrorist!.

yeah this is some my step to be a muslimat scientist that I must do it:
- Be an assistent innorganic chemistry (alhamdulillah, I get it)
- Be a great leader of Annisa Hidayatullah samarinda (alhamdulillah, I get it)
- PKL in company (alhamdulillah, successs)
- Be a great leader of HIMAKIM Eksternal Internal ( alhamdulillaah, success)
- Have mastering English (running)
- Cumlaude graduate or best graduate on Chemistry Science (MIPA UNMUL) (.......)
- Magang in MA  Hidayatullah (............)
- Mastering Japanese (..........)
- Be a laborant in ITK (...........)
- Receive a secondary graduate schoolarship  to JAPAN (primer) or ITB (second) (............)
- Continue post graduate in Kyodai JAPAN (...........)
- Make a discuss forum about islam in Japan (..........)
- Bet link to develop branch of hidayatullah (.........)
- Be an innorganic lecture in ITK (primer) or UNMUL(second) (............)
- Get link to develop science university in hidayatullah (.........)
- Be a sholihah child and wife (.........)
- dead with khusnul hootimah (wallahu a'lam)
Insya Allah..with "bismillaahirrohmaanirrohiim" and "Allahu Akbar!" I'll try to get success of all and I'll continue to filling (........) with "A SUCCESSFULL" insya Allah aamiin..



Ulinnuha Hammamiyah, Olien Izumi, Rin-Chan Izumi, OlienNoha

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